
Written by alex2006hw


2bees is born

2bees is about individual’s social connections


I have this passion to travel and I am going to make that my life.

It is always time or money.

Most of my time, I either have the time or money. Lately I found that the windows where I have time AND money are dimishingly small. I need to change this.

The reason that Time-or-Money (ToM) is a problem for me is that someone else has always been controlling my ToM.

During the ‘recession’ of 2000’s, I’ve found myself between jobs. This gave me the opportunity to re-exam my life. I’ve found that there is a direct correllation between time and money. When I was working, I have the money but, not the time!
From as far back as I can remember, I have been trained by school-family-society that success in life depends on how much money one has. I’ve spent most of my waking hour trying to measure my success by this yard-stick.

Happiness of ignorance. It is a close loop feed back system I was in. Others around me use the same measurement stick and seemed happy. I was happy.

I was content. I was docile. Life comes at me and I navigate it according to my yard-stick.

I was unhappy with the way I measure my life. Through some consequences, I was able to remove money from my measurements. What I have left was time. This is novel, this is new, I now have time to live my life.

What Am I to do with all this time.

Having worked with Razoo, I believes in TechforGood (TfG). Let’s do something TfG.

Selfish individuals

Previously, I live life according to a single rule:

  • Have fun. No drama.

But, I found that ‘Have fun. No drama’ produces selfish people.

People who live “Having Fun” while avoiding Drama, become selfish. All about me!

Change is needed

Add a rule for empathy.

live, learn, grow

  • live : don’t be a wall flower. Contribute and be involved.
  • learn : reflect on the events from living and try understand them
  • grow : using what I learn to make my life more possitive

Measurements for life!

  • Why - Reasons for this passion?

  • How - Things I need to do to do this?

  • What - My steps to get there?